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분자유전학적으로 확진된 MELAS 증후군 환자의 수소 자기 공명 분광 분석 및 SPECT 소견

Other Titles
 1H-MR Spectroscopic and SPECT Findings in a Patient with MELAS Syndrome Confirmed by Molecular Genetic Analysis 
 최철희  ;  김현숙  ;  남효석  ;  오원석  ;  최병옥  ;  김승민  ;  이병인  ;  김은숙  ;  정은기 
 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association (대한신경과학회지), Vol.16(4) : 590-596, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association(대한신경과학회지)
Issue Date
An eighteen-year-old girl presented recurrent partial and generalized seizures associated with the T-2 high signal intensities of MR brain imaging. Serum and CSF lactate levels were elevated. Muscle biopsy revealed 'ragged red fiber'. The diagnozed proton MR spectroscopy was performed on a GE 1.5 T SIGNA MRI/MRS system and analyzed by STEAM (Stimulated Echo Acquistition Method). 1H-MR spectrocopy demonstrated elevation of lactate contents and decrease of N-acetyl aspartate contents in the involved area. The Tc99m-ECD SPECT revealed multifocal decrease of perfusion in bilateral parietal, temporal and occipital lobe, especially right temporal and left occipital lobe. These features suggest that the pathology of brain lesions of MELAS syndrome may be sub-necrotic incomplete ischemic changes caused by metabolic derangement.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Neurology (신경과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Seung Min(김승민) ORCID logo
Nam, Hyo Suk(남효석) ORCID logo
Lee, Byung In(이병인)
Choi, Byung Ok(최병옥)
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