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내장 가성 동맥류의 경도관 동맥 색전술

Other Titles
 Transcatheter Embolization for Splanchnic Pseudoaneurysm 
 강인구  ;  이도연  ;  김영주  ;  염동호  ;  장영심  ;  박시균  ;  곽규성  ;  권택상  ;  홍인수 
 Journal of the Korean Radiologist Society (대한방사선의학회지), Vol.39(4) : 685-692, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Radiologist Society(대한방사선의학회지)
Issue Date
Arteries, injuries ; Arteries, interventional procedure ; Aneurysm
PURPOSE: To determine the therapeutic effect of transcatheter embolization in the treatment of splanchnicpseudoaneurysm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study involved eleven patients who underwent embolization for thetreatment of splanchnic pseudoaneurysm. Nine were men and two were women ; their ages ranged from 8 to 74 (mean,51) years. The etiology of these cases included postoperative pseudoaneurysm(n=4), pancreatitis(n=3), stabinjury(n=1), and suspected infection(n=1), while two cases were uncertain. The locations of the pseudoaneurysmwere the splenic artery(n=4), the gastroduodenal artery(n=3), the hepatic artery(n=2), the celiac artery(n=1), andboth the right renal and lumbar artery(n=1). All patients underwent angiography prior to embolization. Thematerials used during embolization were a microcoil, a 5-cm metallic guide wire, and a detachable balloon. RESULTS: Embolization was successful in all eleven cases. Among nine cases in which follow-up was possible, angiographywas performed in four, and five cases of thrombus were confirmed by abdominal CT. Three of these nine patientsunderwent re-embolization. One patient underwent elective surgery for a pseudocyst due to pancreatitis. CONCLUSION: Transcatheter embolization is a safe and convenient modality for the treatment of splanchnic pseudoaneurysm.
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Yonsei Authors
Lee, Do Yun(이도연)
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