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흰쥐의 실험적 관절염 모델에서 Capsaicin이 척수의 c-fos 단백질 및 척수신경절의 substance P, CGRP에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Effects of Capsaicin on the c-fos Protein-like Immunoreactivities in the Spinal Cord and Substance P- and CGRP-like Immunoreactivities in the Dorsal Root Ganglia of the Experimental Arthritic Rat Model 
 이원택  ;  이주강  ;  강은정  ;  이종은 
 Korean Journal of Anatomy (대한해부학회지), Vol.32(5) : 761-773, 1999 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Anatomy(대한해부학회지)
Issue Date
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) ; Spinal cord ; Dorsal horn ; Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) ; Arthritis, Pain ; Calcitonin gene-related peptide ; Dorsal
To analyze the effects of capsaicin administered to the arthritic rat model, immunohistochemical stains for c-fos protein in the spinal dorsal horn and for substance P and CGRP in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were done. Kaolin and careegenan were administered to the knee joint cavity of adult rats to induce arthritis, and capsaicin was administered immediately after kaolin-careegenan injection. A count was conducted of the c-fos immunoreactive dorsal horn neurons and substance P and CGRP immunoreactive cells in L5 and L6 DRG to elucidate the effect of capsaicin. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the superficial dorsal horn was increased markedly 2 hours after the kaolin and careegenan injection to the knee joint, and decreased gradually to the control level 1 week after injection. 2. The number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the superficial dorsal horn of capsaicin- treated rats was less than in those rats not injected with capsaicin. 3. The number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the deep dorsal horn was increased later than those in the superficial dorsal horn and reached peak level 16 hours after the kaolin and careegenan injection, and decreased gradually therafter. 4. The number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the deep dorsal horn of the capsaicin treated rats was less than in those rats not treated with capsaicin. 5. The number of substance P and CGRP immunoreactive DRG neurons increased 24 hours after the kaolin and careegenan injection to the knee joint, and also apparently increased 1 week after injection. 6. The number of substance P and CGRP immunoreactive DRG neurons of capsaicin- treated rats was less than in those rats not treated with capsaicin administered rats. Capsaicin reduces the number of c-fos immunoreactive neurons in the spinal dorsal horn, and also reduces the number of substance P and CGRP immunoreactive neurons in the DRG of the arthritic rat model, which may be closely related to the analgesic effects of capsaicin.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Anatomy (해부학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Park, Kyung Ah(박경아)
Lee, Won Taek(이원택) ORCID logo
Lee, Jong Eun(이종은) ORCID logo
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