An in-vitro study revealed that a celluloid strip-finished composite surface discolored more than the polished composite surface. Thus, the celluloid strip-finished composite surface may not cure enough compared with the polished composite surface.
This study tested the hypothesis that the celluloid strip-finished composite surface did not cure enough compared with the polished composite surface.
The composite was placed in a 1.5-mm thick aluminum mold and the upper surface was covered with a celluloid strip. Composite was light cured for 60 seconds, then a layer of approximately 200 microm thick was ground away from the lower surface and polished. The hardness of the upper composite surface that was polymerized under a celluloid strip and the polished lower surface were measured with Vickers hardness measuring instrument 15 minutes, 6 hours, and 6 days after light curing. The hardnesses of polished and celluloid strip-finished surfaces were compared using a paired t test. One-way ANOVA and Tukey was used for tests for the significant differences in hardnesses between 15 minutes, 6 hours, and 6 days after light curing for a given surface.
Microhardness of the celluloid strip-finished composite surface was 380.6 N/mm(2) at 15 minutes, 442.5 N/mm(2) at 6 hours, and 519.2 N/mm(2) at 6 days after light curing. Microhardnesses of the polished composite surface was 476.6 N/mm(2) at 15 minutes, 511.7 N/mm(2) at 6 hours, and 535.0 N/mm(2) at 6 days after light curing. The hardness of the celluloid strip-opposed composite surface was significantly lower than that of the polished surface 15 minutes and 6 hours after light curing (P <. 001). There was no difference in hardness between the celluloid strip-opposed surface and the polished surface on the sixth day.
The hardness of the celluloid strip-opposed composite surface was lower than that of the polished surface at 15 minutes and at 6 hours after light curing. However, there was no difference in microhardness in 6 days.