Dept. of Preventive Dentistry and Public Oral Health (예방치과학교실)

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Association between the cariogenicity of a dental microcosm biofilm and ...

Eun-Song Lee ; Si-Mook Kang ; Hae-Youn Ko ; Ho-Keun Kwon ; Baek-Il Kim JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, Vol.41(12) : 1264-1270, 2013

Monitoring the maturation process of a dental microcosm biofilm using th...

Young-Seok Kim ; Eun-Song Lee ; Ho-Keun Kwon ; Baek-Il Kim JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY, Vol.42(6) : 691-696, 2014

Antibacterial photodynamic therapy with curcumin and Curcuma xanthorrhiz...

Hyung-Jung Lee ; Si-Mook Kang ; Seung-Hwa Jeong ; Ki-Ho Chung ; Baek-Il Kim PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY, Vol.20 : 116-119, 2017
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Development of a novel tongue biofilm index using bacterial biofluorescence SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Generational shift for clinical application of the QLF system for evaluating tooth wearPHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY
2024Anti-cariogenic effect of experimental resin cement containing ursolic acid using dental microcosm biofilmJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2024Quantitative assessment of early caries lesion activity using novel dye-enhanced fluorescence imagingJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2024Comparison of the Short Time Effect of an Oral Hygiene Education in Four Sessions via Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence Technology Versus Disclosing Agents in Children: A Randomized, Crossover Clinical Trial CHILDREN-BASEL
2024Recommendations on Topical Fluoride Usage for Caries Management in East Asia INTERNATIONAL DENTAL JOURNAL
2024A novel toothbrush with a thin-head, slender-neck and super-tapered bristles enhancing accessibility in hard-to-reach areas: a crossover randomized trial BMC ORAL HEALTH
2024Evaluation of residual dentin thickness using quantitative light-induced fluorescence technologyODONTOLOGY
2024연령과 성별에 따른 구강 노쇠의 변화와 임상적 활용 방안의 제안Korean Journal of Clinical Dental Hygiene(한국임상치위생학회지)
2024Distinguishing discolored caries lesions using biofluorescence/and dental bleaching: An in vitro simulation model study PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY
2024Drug delivery and antibiofilm efficacy of nano silver fluoride sustained release orthodontic elastomerics against Streptococcus mutans SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Implications of Japan's 8020 Campaign and the Current Status of Oral Health in the Elderly of Korea and Japan Journal of the Korean Dental Association(대한치과의사협회지)
2024중장년층 헬스클럽 회원들의 전신건강증진행위와 구강건강증진행위의 관계 Journal of the Korean Academy of Geriatric Dentistry(대한노년치의학회지)
2024Evaluation metric of smile classification by peri-oral tissue segmentation for the automation of digital smile designJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2024Perceptions and attitudes of dental students and dentists in South Korea toward artificial intelligence: a subgroup analysis based on professional seniority BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION
2024Validation of the Korean Academy of Geriatric Dentistry screening questionnaire and oral frailty diagnostic criteria in community-dwelling older adults EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH
2024Detection of pit and fissure sealant microleakage using quantitative light-induced fluorescence technology: an in vitro study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Trend in the Incidence of Severe Partial Edentulism among Adults Using the Korean National Health Insurance Service Claim Data, 2014–2018 YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2023Deep learning and clustering approaches for dental implant size classification based on periapical radiographs SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Real-time optical detection of endodontic infection using bacterial autofluorescenceJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY

