Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실)

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Adjuvant abemaciclib combined with endocrine therapy for high-risk early...

N Harbeck ; P Rastogi ; M Martin ; S M Tolaney ; Z M Shao ; P A Fasching ; C ... ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, Vol.32(12) : 1571-1581, 2021-12

Comparison of the therapeutic effects of ultrasound-guided platelet-rich...

Dong-wook Rha ; Gi-Young Park ; Yong-Kyun Kim ; Min Tae Kim ; Sang Chul Lee CLINICAL REHABILITATION, Vol.27(2) : 113-122, 2013

Maximum inufflation capacity : vital capacity and cough flowa in neuromu...

Seong-Woong Kang ; John R. Bach American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Vol.79(3) : 222-227, 2000
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2010Fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous gastrostomy with pull technique for the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients with very low vital capacity.JOURNAL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITION
2010Comparison for Risk Estimate of Aspiration between the Revised Dysphagia Assessment Tool and Videofluoroscopy in Post-Stroke Patients JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2010Changes in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with posttraumatic cognitive impairment after memantine therapy: a preliminary studyANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2010Needle insertion into the tibialis posterior: ultrasonographic evaluation of an anterior approachARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION
2010희귀ㆍ난치성 신경근육계 질환자의 호흡부전 관리 실태 조사 Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지)
2010Effect of hinged ankle-foot orthoses on standing balance control in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2010Induction of striatal neurogenesis enhances functional recovery in an adult animal model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injuryNEUROSCIENCE
2010운동 학습과 관련된 뇌 신경 구조 Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2010Treatment of chronic akinetic mutism with atomoxetine: subtraction analysis of brain f-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic images before and after medication: a case reportCLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY
2010Assessment of post-stroke extrapersonal neglect using a three-dimensional immersive virtual street crossing programACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA
2010How respiratory muscle strength correlates with cough capacity in patients with respiratory muscle weakness YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2010Short-term effects of combined serial casting and botulinum toxin injection for spastic equinus in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2010Language-specific dysgraphia in Korean stroke patientsCOGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL NEUROLOGY
2010Is Phonological-Lexical Representation Preserved in Moderate Stage Alzheimer Disease? Evidence From the Efficacy of Korean Syllabic Cues.ALZHEIMER DISEASE & ASSOCIATED DISORDERS
2010Quality of life for primary caregivers of muscular dystrophy patients in South Korea CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL
2010청각장애 성인의 청지각적 말 평가 : 초분절적 요소, 말 명료도, 말 용인도를 중심으로Korean Journal of Communication Disorders (언어청각장애연구)
2010경직형 뇌성마비아동의 말명료도 및 말명료도와 관련된 말 평가 변인 Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
2010노령화에 따른 건강한 정상 성인의 음향음성학적 특성 비교 Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
2010파킨슨병 환자의 말 속도와 쉼 특성 Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
2010피질경유실어증의 언어평가적 양상 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association

