BioMedical Science Institute (의생명과학부)

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ShinyGO: a graphical gene-set enrichment tool for animals and plants

Steven Xijin Ge ; Dongmin Jung ; Runan Yao BIOINFORMATICS, Vol.36(8) : 2628-2629, 2020-04

Differential Antigen Processing by Dendritic Cell Subsets in Vivo

Diana Dudziak ; Alice O. Kamphorst ; Michel C. Nussenzweig ; Ralph M. Steinma... SCIENCE, Vol.315(5808) : 107-111, 2007

Nanomaterials for theranostics: Recent advances and future challenges

Eun-Kyung Lim ; Taekhoon Kim ; Soonmyung Paik ; Seungjoo Haam ; Yong-Min Huh ... CHEMICAL REVIEWS, Vol.115(1) : 327-394, 2015

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