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Community health needs assessment: a nurses' global health project in Vietnam

 S. Cho  ;  H. Lee  ;  S. Yoon  ;  Y. Kim  ;  P.F. Levin  ;  E. Kim 
 INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW, Vol.65(4) : 505-514, 2018 
Journal Title
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Community Intervention ; Global Health ; Health Needs Assessment ; Rapid Participatory Appraisal ; Rural ; Vietnam
BACKGROUND: Global health has been directed to providing solutions to various health issues cross-nations, and nurses have received wide recognition as a key health workforce to reduce health disparities globally. Nurses involved in global health research are required to implement evidence-based global nursing practices based on the assessments of local health needs.

AIM: To assess health needs and to suggest future interventions in rural communities of Vietnam.

METHODS: A multifaceted rapid participatory appraisal with information pyramid was used applying mixed methods from six sources: existing record review, surveys of community residents, surveys of healthcare providers, focus group discussions with community leaders, informal discussions with governmental health administrators and observations of community health station (CHS) facilities.

RESULTS: The majority used the CHSs as primary health facilities with high satisfaction for services currently provided. However, there were needs for the stations to provide more comprehensive services including chronic diseases, and for healthcare providers to improve their competences. Community leaders showed high interest in health information for chronic diseases and strong commitment to involvement in the activities for health of their communities. The findings suggest future interventions in the areas of the enhancement of CHS' functions, human resources and the self-care capacity of community residents.

CONCLUSION AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS: The rapid participatory appraisal approach emphasizing community participation and partnership was a useful tool to compile accurate information about the current needs of the community on health, the preparedness of healthcare services to meet community's demands and about community capacity. This process is fundamental to nurses, who initiate global health projects in resource-limited international countries, to generate evidences regarding practice, research and policy for taking responsibilities in promoting the sustainable development goals.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Hyeonkyeong(이현경) ORCID logo
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