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현대의학의 영생 기술과 그 신학적 성찰- 텔로미어와 유전자 가위를 중심으로

Other Titles
 The Eternal-Life Technology of modern medical Science and its theological Reflection: Related to “telomere” and “gene editing” 
 김소윤  ;  이관표 
 Theological Thought (신학사상), Vol.178 : 279-309, 2017 
Journal Title
Theological Thought(신학사상)
Issue Date
modern medical Science ; Eternal-Life Technology ; telomere ; gene editing ; theological Reflection
This research paper aims to discuss, in the theological perspectives, the recent issues of modern medical technology that are related to eternal life, including ‘telomere’ and ‘gene editing.’ To discuss the medical technologies that are related to eternal life, the positive implications exist. Firstly, these technologies can be the blessing of the creator, who loves his creation. The God of Christianity loves his own creation, and does not want them to disappear, but want them to acquire eternal life. In this regard, eternal life that is achieved by man also can be perceived as a part of God’s will. Secondly, God created man as a co-creator of the world that man can participate in God’s creation, for example, by advancing science technology such as gene editing.
Modern medical technology would lead all human beings to happiness with no pain, and this could be a part of God’s creation as well. However, the issues of man-achieved eternal life have negative implications and the problems that cannot be compromised with theology. Firstly, the man-achieved eternal life leads to egocentrism, therefore to selfishness, which Christianity tells sins. Secondly, the modern medical technologies can be perceived as postponing death, not for overcoming. Thirdly, the uses of these technologies would be limited to the upper classes of modern society, therefore resulting socioeconomic inequities and discrimination. Fourthly, such societal conflicts can be settled as oppression and exploitation. And lastly, man-achieved eternal life might not be as wonderful as we have expected for, because we have to abandon our life of today, in which we find and feel the harmonious coexistence of life and death.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences (인문사회의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, So Yoon(김소윤) ORCID logo
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