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Showing results 1 to 20 of 361

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Important Drugs and Its Patterns during the Late Goryeo Dynasty -Obtain and distribution of Bupleuri Radix and Ginger Korean Journal of Medical History(의사학)
2024약명 유형에 나타난 고려시대 약물들의 구조 — 『 향약구급방』「방중향약목초부」를 중심으로 — Historical Journal(사림)
2024생애말기 의학적 돌봄 향상을 위한 연명의료결정법의 개정방안 Korean Journal of Medical Ethics(한국의료윤리학회지)
2024생명윤리 분야에서의 민주적 숙의 방법론 Journal of the Korean Biotechics Association(생명윤리)
2024일제하 세브란스병원의 인턴제도 -증명서의 시대- Yonsei Journal of Medical History(연세의사학)
2024의사 수련제도의 역사적 기원 -프랑스 인턴 제도를 중심으로- Yonsei Journal of Medical History(연세의사학)
2024Qualitative Comparison of Perceptions Regarding Patient Engagement for Patient Safety by Physicians, Nurses, and Patients PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE
2024에도시대 두창의 예방과 치료: 인두법의 수용을 중심으로Korean Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health(의료사회사연구)
2024Challenges in capacity building of national immunization programs and emergency or pandemic vaccination responses in the Global Health Security Agenda member countries Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives
2024Developing a Framework for Self-regulatory Governance in Healthcare AI Research: Insights from South Korea ASIAN BIOETHICS REVIEW
2024Activities of the Republic of Korea in the Global Health Security Agenda Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives
2024Characteristics of Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions: National Data Analysis in South KoreaASIAN BIOETHICS REVIEW
2023농촌위생연구소의 활동과 세브란스 : 이영춘의 인적 네트워크와 그 영향을 중심으로 Yonsei Journal of Medical History(연세의사학)
2023The United Nation's Civil Assistance Command in Korea's (UNCACK) Public Health Measures on Koje Island during the Korean War Korean Journal of Medical History(의사학)
2023유전 정보를 활용한 연구 결과의 환류에 관한 윤리적 고려사항Journal of the Korean Biotechics Association(생명윤리)
2023응용현상학과 임상의료윤리: 리차드 M. 제이너의 경우Philosophy of Medicine(의철학연구)
2023이영춘과 한국 농촌의학 연구: 학술지 『농촌위생』을 중심으로 Yonsei Journal of Medical History(연세의사학)
2023간호 관련 환자안전사건의 특성과 질적 내용 분석: 의료소송 판결문 (2014~2018년)을 이용한 이차자료 분석 Quality Improvement in Health Care(한국의료QA학회지)
2023Psychiatric Casualties during the Korean War: Focusing on American and Common Wealth Soldiers Korean Journal of Medical History(의사학)
2023Prioritization of research engaged with rare disease stakeholders: a systematic review and thematic analysis ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES

