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An Empirical Approach to Dosimetric Effect of Carbon Fiber Couch for Flattening Filter Free Beam of Elekta LINAC

 Sohyun Ahn  ;  Kwangwoo Park  ;  Jinsung Kim  ;  Ho Lee  ;  Jeongmin Yoon  ;  Eungman Lee  ;  Sohyun Park  ;  Jeongeun Park  ;  Juhye Kim  ;  Ki Chang Keum 
 Korean Journal of Medical Physics (의학물리), Vol.27(4) : 220-223, 2016 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medical Physics(의학물리)
Issue Date
Generally, it is recommended that the dosimetric effect of carbon fiber couch should be considered especially for an intensity-modulated therapy with a large portion of monitor units from posterior angles. Even a flattening filter free (FFF) beam has been used for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), the effect of carbon fiber couch for FFF beam is not well known. This work is an effort to evaluate the dosimetric effect of carbon fiber couch for flattened and FFF beam of Elekta linac empirically. The absorbed doses were measured with Farmer type chamber and water-equivalent phantoms with and without couch. And differences of the absorbed doses between with and without couch defined as “couch effect”. By comparing calculated dose in treatment planning system (TPS) with measured dose, the optimal density of couch was evaluated. Finally, differences on patient's skin dose and target dose by couch were evaluated in TPS. As a result, the couch effect for 6 and 10 MV flattened beam were ”2.71% and −2.32%, respectively. These values were agreed with provided data by vendor within 0.5%. The couch effect for 6 and 10 MV FFF beam were ”3.75% and ”2.80%, respectively. The patient's skin dose was increased as 18.6% and target dose was decreased as 0.87%, respectively. It was realized that the couch effect of FFF beam was more severe than that of flattened beam. Patient's skin dose and target dose were changed by the couch effect.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Keum, Ki Chang(금기창) ORCID logo
Kim, Jinsung(김진성) ORCID logo
Park, Kwang Woo(박광우) ORCID logo
Ahn, So Hyun(안소현)
Lee, Ho(이호) ORCID logo
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