The purpose of this research was to analyze several factors that can affect the respiration rate measurement using the Creative Senz3D depth camera. Depth error and noise of the depth camera were considered as affecting factors. Ambient light was also considered. The result of this study showed that the depth error was increased with an increase of the distance between subject and depth camera. The result also showed depth asymmetry in the depth image. The depth values measured in right region of the depth image was higher than real distance and depth values measured in left of the depth image was lower than real distance. The difference error of the depth was influenced by the orientation of the depth camera. The noise created by the depth camera was increased as the distance between subject and depth camera was increased and it decreased as the window size was increased which was used to calculate noise level. Ambient light seems to have no influence on the depth value. In real environment, we measured respiration rate. Participants were asked to breathe 20 times. We could find that the respiration rate which was measured from depth camera shows excellent agreement with that of participants.