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Spatio-Temporal Expression Pattern of Grp78, a Putative Hoxc8 Downstream Target Gene, During Murine Embryogenesis

 Jin Joo Kang  ;  Yunjeong Kwon  ;  Eun Young Lee  ;  Hyoung Woo Park  ;  Hye-Won Yang  ;  Myoung Hee Kim 
 Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지), Vol.11(3) : 311-318, 2005 
Journal Title
Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science(대한의생명과학회지)
Issue Date
Expression pattern ; Embryogenesis ; Grp78
Expression pattern ; Embryogenesis ; Grp78
Grp78, discovered as one of the putative target genes of Hoxc8, is a highly conserved stress protein and functions as a molecular chaperone in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In order to see the stage-specific expression pattern of Grp78 during development, mouse embryos from day 7.5 to 17.5 p.c. were isolated, and RT-PCR as well as in situ hybridization was performed. When RT-PCR was performed using Grp78 specific primers, periodic expression pattern was detected. And also a region-specific expression pattern was detected with a strong expression in the trunk part of day 11.5 p.c. embryo, like that of Hoxc8. When in situ hybridization was performed, Grp78 was revealed to be expressed in the endoderm, somite, neuroepitheliurm cells of neural tube in early embryos. In the case of late embryos, Grp78 expression was detected in the liver, segmental bronchus within cranial lobe of lung, ossification center within the cartilage primordium of rib and vertebra, submandibular gland, as well as metanephros. These expression Patterns are very much similar to those of Hoxc8. Since Hoxc8 has been reported to regulate apoptosis during organogenesis, it might be possible that the apoptotic function could have been conveyed through the expression of Grp78, implying that the Grp78 is one of the Hoxc8 downstream target genes.
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Yonsei Authors
Kwon, Yunjeong(권윤정)
Kim, Myoung Hee(김명희) ORCID logo
Park, Hyoung Woo(박형우) ORCID logo
Yang, Hye Won(양혜원)
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