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신장 방사선 섭취량 결정을 위한 conjugate view 방법에 대한 평가

Other Titles
 Evaluation of a Conjugate View Method for Determination of Kidney Uptake 
 봉정균  ;  윤미진  ;  이종두  ;  김희중  ;  손혜경  ;  권윤영  ;  박해정  ;  김유선  ;  김윤선 
 Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine (대한핵의학회지), Vol.39(3) : 191-199, 2005 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine(대한핵의학회지)
Issue Date
Conjugate view method ; geometric mean attenuation correction ; scatter correction ; kidney uptake ; Monte Carlo simulation
Conjugate view method ; geometric mean attenuation correction ; scatter correction ; kidney uptake ; Monte Carlo simulation
Purpose: In order to obtain better quantitation of kidney uptake, this study is to evaluate a conjugate view method (CVM) using a geometric mean attenuation correction for kidney uptake and to compare it to Gate's method.
Materials & Methods: We used a Monte Carlo code, SIMIND and a Zubal phantom, to simulate kidney uptake. SIMIND was both simulated with or without scatter for the Zubal phantom. Also, a real phantom test was carried out using a dual-head gamma camera. The activity of 0.5 mCi was infused into two small cylinder phantoms of 5 cm diameter, and then, they were inserted into a cylinder phantom of 20 cm diameter. The results by the CVM method were compared with ideal data without both of attenuation and scatter and with Gate's method. The CVM was performed with or without scatter correction. The Gate's method was performed without scatter correction and it was evaluated with regards to $0.12cm^{-1}\;and\;0.15cm^{-1}$ attenuation coefficients. Data were analyzed with comparisons of mean counts in the legions of interest (ROI), profiles drawn over kidney images and linear regression. Correlation coefficients were calculated with ideal data, as well.
Results: In the case of the computer simulation, mean counts measured from ideal data, the CVM and the Gate's method were (right $998{\pm}209$, left: $896{\pm}249$), (right: $911{\pm}207$, left: $815{\pm}265$), and (right: $1065{\pm}267$, left: $1546{\pm}267$), respectively. The ideal data showed good correlation with the CVM and the correlation coefficients of the CVM, Gate's method were (right: 0.91, left: 0.93) and (right: 0.85, left: 0.90), respectively.
Conclusion: The conjugate view method using geometric mean attenuation correction resulted in better accuracy than the Gate's method. In conclusion, the conjugate view method independent of renal depths may provide more accurate kidney uptake.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Yu Seun(김유선) ORCID logo
Kim, Hee Joung(김희중)
Park, Hae Jeong(박해정) ORCID logo
Yun, Mijin(윤미진) ORCID logo
Lee, Jong Doo(이종두)
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