This survey was performed to measure concentrations of airborne microbes, utilizing the six-stage cascade air sampler, according to the sampling site and time in the general hospital and to evaluate the degree of correlations between airborne microbes and environmental factors. Besides the main lobby, airborne microbes and environmental factors were not significantly different between the forenoon(9:00-10:00 AM) and afternoon(2:00-3:00 PM). Concentrations of airborne bacteria and fungi were 404 and 156 CFU/m3 in the main lobby, 188 and 56 CFU/m3 in the intensive care unit, 323 and 96 CFU/m3 in the ward, 239 and 127 CFU/m3 in the laboratory, and 139 and 33 CFU/m3 in the newborn baby room, respectively. As a result, the level of airborne microbes was significantly highest in the main lobby and lowest in the newborn baby room(p<0.05). Outdoor airborne microbes concentrations were significantly lower than those of the sampling sites in the general hospital except for the newborn baby room(p>0.05). It was observed that temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide in the general hospital had generally positive correlation with airborne microbes. However, there was no correlation between the odor index level and airborne microbes.