Focal epithelial hyperplasia(FEH) is Human papilloma virus - induced, localized proliferation of oral squamous epithelium. FEH usually occurs in the childhood, but occasionally affects the young and middle-aged adults. Sites of the greatest involvement include the labial, buccal and lingual mucosa, but lesions of gingiva or tongue have also been reported. This disease is typically characterized by multiple soft, non-tender flattened papules and plaques. Occasional lesions show a slight papillary surface change. Individual lesions are small, discrete and well demarcated. The histopathologic hallmark of FEH is acanthosis of the oral epithelium. Cells demonstrating viral cytopathic changes including koilocytes or mitosoid cells may be present. The 5-year-old female of this case visited Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University with a chief complaint of exophytic lesions on gingiva. Sessile papillary papules were detected by clinical examination on buccal gingiva at the maxillary left and right second deciduous molars. The patient did not complain of pain by palpation. An excisional biopsy was carried out for a histological examination and acanthosis was observed. The lesions were diagnosed as FEH. FEH would regress spontaneously after several months or years. Conservative excision may be performed for diagnostic or esthetic purpose. The risk of recurrence after this therapy is minimal, and there is no malignant transformation.