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흰쥐 말초신경 손상에 의한 신경원통과성변성의 양상

Other Titles
 Transneuronal degeneration due to peripheral nerve injury in the rats 
 곽현호  ;  유병기  ;  김명희  ;  박형우 
 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.14(3) : 259-271, 2001 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology(대한체질인류학회지)
Issue Date
Transneuronal degeneration ; Peripheral nerve injury ; Femoral nerve ; Spinal cord ; Muscle fiber type
When an axon is severed, degenerative changes occur in the injured neuron as weB as in those with which it has synaptic connections through transneuronal degeneration.
Transneuronal degeneration includes all atrophic or degenerative changes that occur in nerve cells foHowing the disappearance of their efferent (retrograde transneuronal degeneration) or afferent (anterograde trans neuronal degeneration) connections.
Previous studies have shown that transneuronal degeneration may occur in the neurons of various central nervous system following injury to their peripheral nerve. However, the effect of transneuronal degeneration on the neurons which are related with damaged neurons functionally and structurally is not elucidated yet.
Denervation due to axonal degeneration or dysfunction of nerve cell bodies leads to physiological and biochemical changes in the skeletal muscles, and the extent of neuronal degeneration can be assessed through the muscle atrophy and the changes in muscle fiber type density.
In order to identify the effect of transneuronal degeneration on the adjacent peripheral nerves as well as muscles, the left femoral nerve of Sprague-Dawley rats was transected, and changes in their spinal cords and hindlimb muscles were analysed morphologically and histochemically.
The results obtained are as follows: 1. the motor neurons of ipsilateral anterior horn of femoral nerve transected rats showed reduction in size and degenerative featurcs such as shriven shape and nucleus moved to periphery of the cell body. 2. AU three muscle fiber types of rectus femoris and adductor longus were reduced in muscle fiber size, but no such changes were observed in semitendinosus. 3. In rectus femoris and adductor longus, type IIa muscle fiber was increased in number and the number of type IIb fiber was reduced, whereas no change was observed in all three muscle fiber types of semitendinosus.
These findings indicate that damaged neurons following peripheral nerve injury can affect other adjacent neurons through transneuronal degeneration and cause the denervative changes in the muscles innervated by those adjacent neurons concomitantly, and such effects are only observed in the same spinal cord level.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Oral Biology (구강생물학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kwak, Hyun Ho(곽현호)
Kim, Myoung Hee(김명희) ORCID logo
Park, Hyoung Woo(박형우) ORCID logo
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