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천연추출물 curcuma xanthorriza oil 함유치약의 치태 및 치은염 억제효과

Other Titles
 Suppressive effect of Curcuma xanthorrhiza oil on plaque and gingivitis 
 홍지연  ;  김상년  ;  김종관  ;  최성호  ;  엄유정  ;  정성원  ;  박지은  ;  장인권  ;  장석윤  ;  하원호 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology (대한치주과학회지), Vol.35(4) : 1053-1071, 2005 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology(대한치주과학회지)
Issue Date
toothpastes containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ; antimicrobial effect ; antiinflammatory effect
toothpastes containing Curcuma xanthorrhiza ; antimicrobial effect ; antiinflammatory effect
To find out the suppressive effect of natural extract Curcuma xanthorrhiza on IL-1beta and MMP-2 derived from periodontal ligament cells through in vitro study and to confirm its effect on plaque and gingivitis through clinical study, Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste was used and following results were produced. 1. In vitro study, type IV collagenase MMP-2 production was inhibited dose-dependently in the group treated with Curcuma xanthorrhiza compared to the control group. 2. In vitro study, the production of IL-1beta which is one of the inflammatory mediators associated with periodontitis was inhibited dose-dependently in the group treated with Curcuma xanthorrhiza. 3. On the third week, the plaque index of the groups treated with or without Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpastes were both increased significantly compared to the baseline(p<0.05). 4. On the third week, the gingival index of the group treated with Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste was not significantly different from baseline. However, the group treated without Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste showed a significant increase of gingival index at shielded area(p<0.05). 5. The gingival index of the group without Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste showed a significant increase in the sites without tooth brushing when compared to sites with tooth brushing(p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference for the group with Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste in sites either with or without tooth brushing. 6. The Bleeding on probing for the group without Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste showed no significant difference even when tooth brushing was done. However, for the group with Curcuma xanthorrhiza containing toothpaste, bleeding on probing was significantly reduced compared to baseline when tooth brushing was done(p<0.05).
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Periodontics (치주과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Chong Kwan(김종관)
Um, Yoo Jung(엄유정)
Choi, Seong Ho(최성호) ORCID logo
Hong, Ji Youn(홍지연)
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