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성인에서 발생한 우유 알레르기 1예

Other Titles
 A Case of Adult-onset Cow Milk Allergy 
 이용원  ;  이재현  ;  홍천수  ;  박중원  ;  최수영  ;  김혜진  ;  김지현  ;  김병창  ;  이중민 
 Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology (천식 및 알레르기), Vol.24(3) : 353-356, 2004 
Journal Title
Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology(천식 및 알레르기)
Issue Date
Adult-onset allergy ; Cow milk ; Specific IgE
Cow milk is one of the most common allergens, which causes allergic diseases of the respiratory tract and skin of the infants. However, cow milk allergy after adolescent period is uncommon and previous reports were only few. We experienced a case of the newly diagnosed, adult-onset cow milk allergy, and herein report the case with the review of literature. A 22-year-old female visited our clinic for itching, urticaria accompanied by abdominal pain, and dyspnea. The patient had never experienced any symptoms related to milk ingestion, but 6 months before her visit to our clinic, she started to suffer from intermittent symptoms such as swelling around her lips and abdominal pain, which subsided spontaneously in about 18 hours. 2 weeks before her 1st visit, she experienced urticaria, abdominal pain, and dyspnea immediately after eating cheese pizza, and 3 days before the same symptoms developed after drinking milk and yogurt. She presented slightly elevated total IgE, strong positive skin response to cow milk and high concentration of milk-specific IgE by CAP test. On IgE immunoblotting, specific IgE to 26 kD and 30 kD milk proteins have been found. We recommended her to avoid cow milk and have prescribed fexofenadine, and inhalation of salbutamol if needed.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Yonsei Biomedical Research Center (연세의생명연구원) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Byung Chang(김병창)
Kim, Jie-Hyun(김지현) ORCID logo
Kim, Hae Jin(김혜진)
Park, Jung Won(박중원) ORCID logo
Lee, Yong Won(이용원)
Lee, Jae Hyun(이재현) ORCID logo
Lee, Jung Min(이중민)
Choi, Soo Young(최수영)
Hong, Chein Soo(홍천수)
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