Purpose: To understand the dietary habits and factors influencing the dietary habits in adults of an urban community. Method: The data were collected via questionnaires that investigated dietary habits, health behaviors, health-related factors, and general characteristics. A total of 302 subjects were selected from those who had visited an urban public center over a 2-week period. The data of 294 subjects were analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression, after 8 questionnaire were excluded due to incomplete data. Results: The degree of dietary habits was in the middle range. The most positive dietary habit was 'intake fibers from vegetables, fruits, and cereals', followed by 'not enjoy salty food and salt' and 'eating breakfast everyday'. The significant predictors influencing dietary habits were age, present smoking behavior, perceived health status, and drinking frequency, and these variables accounted for 27.3% of the variance in the dietary habits score. Conclusion: Health care providers should focus on health promotion planning regarding dietary habits and other health-related behaviors in combination and use integrated strategies regarding the factors that influence dietary habits and other health-related behaviors.