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일 대학의 RN-BSN 교육과정 평가

Other Titles
 A study on evaluation of an rn-bsn program in a nursing school 
 오가실  ;  이경자  ;  김인숙  ;  김희순  ;  오의금  ;  이주희 
 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education (한국간호교육학회지), Vol.14(1) : 38-45, 2008 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education(한국간호교육학회지)
Issue Date
Nursing ; Education ; Evaluation
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the overall RN-BSN program, current curriculum, and student outcomes in one nursing college. Method: A cross-sectional survey was used for current students (n152) and graduates (n54). Three different instruments were used in this study; K-Regis University RN-BSN Program Evaluation Tool, Curriculum Evaluation Tool, and Outcome Evaluation Tool. Result: Results showed that overall the program was satisfying to current students and graduates. However, curriculum evaluation showed that clinical practicum and nursing skill courses were generally unsatisfying, indicating further changes in these areas. Graduates showed higher leadership and professionalism than current students in the outcome evaluation. Conclusion: The current study indicates a need for further studies such as review of the RN-BSN program philosophy and education method, or program evaluation by periods. Additionally, there is a need for a strategic plan to develop the RN-BSN program in the future
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, In Sook(김인숙) ORCID logo
Kim, Hee Soon(김희순) ORCID logo
Oh, Ka Sil(오가실)
Oh, Eui Geum(오의금) ORCID logo
Lee, Kyung Ja(이경자)
Lee, JuHee(이주희) ORCID logo
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