Browsing by Yonsei Author : Rhee, Kwang Won

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Rhee, Kwang Won [이광원]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2018Impact of peritoneal carcinomatosis on clinical outcomes of patients receiving self-expandable metal stents for malignant colorectal obstructionENDOSCOPY
2016Self-expandable metal stents for malignant esophageal obstruction: a comparative study between extrinsic and intrinsic compression.DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS
2014Endoscopic Treatment of Pancreatic Calculi CLINICAL ENDOSCOPY
2014For Patients with Primary Achalasia the Clinical Success of Pneumatic Balloon Dilatation Can Be Predicted from the Residual Fraction of Radionuclide During Esophageal Transit ScintigraphyDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES
2014Recanalization of refractory benign biliary stricture using magnetic compression anastomosisENDOSCOPY
2013간 열상의 출혈 치료로 시행한 간동맥 색전술 후 발생한 양성 담관 협착에서 자석 압박 문합술 1예 Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract (대한췌담도학회지)
2013Recanalization of completely obstructed bilioenteric anastomoses using a needle knife punctureGastrointestinal Intervention
2013이동된 중심정맥도관으로 인한 간헐적 심계항진 환자의 경피적 도관 제거 Korean Journal of Medicine
2013ANCA 음성인 전신성 베게너육아종증 1예 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine (영남의대학술지)
2013An Evidence of Esophageal Decompensation in Patients With Achalasia in the View of Its Subtype: A Retrospective Study JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY
2013십이지장과 췌장에서 발생한 원발성 신경내분비종양 1예 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
2013Undifferentiated early gastric cancer diagnosed as differentiated histology based on forceps biopsyPATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE

