Browsing by Yonsei Author : Seong, Baik L

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Seong, Baik L [성백린]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Microbiology (미생물학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Efficacy of genotype-matched vaccine against re-emerging genotype V Japanese encephalitis virusEMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS
2024A vaccine platform targeting lung-resident memory CD4+ T-cells provides protection against heterosubtypic influenza infections in mice and ferrets NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Antiviral activity of the water extract and ethanol extract of Sorbus commixta against influenza A virus in vitro HELIYON
2024Egg microneedles for transdermal vaccination of inactivated influenza virusBIOMATERIALS SCIENCE
2024Harnessing Pentameric Scaffold of Cholera Toxin B (CTB) for Design of Subvirion Recombinant Dengue Virus Vaccine VACCINES
2024Comparative Evaluation of Recombinant and Acellular Pertussis Vaccines in a Murine Model VACCINES
2023Highly chromophoric dual-terminus labeling of an intrinsically disordered native eukaryotic protein of interest at nanoscaleINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2023AB5-Type Toxin as a Pentameric Scaffold in Recombinant Vaccines against the Japanese Encephalitis Virus TOXINS
2023What are the considerations when selecting a model for influenza drug discovery?EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DISCOVERY
2022Thermostable H1 hemagglutinin stem with M2e epitopes provides broad cross-protection against group1 and 2 influenza A viruses MOLECULAR THERAPY-METHODS & CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT
2022Impact of hemagglutination activity and M2e immunity on conferring protection against influenza virusesVIROLOGY
2022A chimeric thermostable M2e and H3 stalk-based universal influenza A virus vaccine NPJ VACCINES
2022Prospects on Repurposing a Live Attenuated Vaccine for the Control of Unrelated Infections FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2022Enhanced cross protection by hetero prime-boost vaccination with recombinant influenza viruses containing chimeric hemagglutinin-M2e epitopes VIROLOGY
2022Comparison of the effects of different potent adjuvants on enhancing the immunogenicity and cross-protection by influenza virus vaccination in young and aged mice ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH
2021RNA-assisted self-assembly of monomeric antigens into virus-like particles as a recombinant vaccine platformBIOMATERIALS
2021A Host-Restricted Self-Attenuated Influenza Virus Provides Broad Pan-Influenza A Protection in a Mouse Model FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2021Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate as a Novel Vaccine Adjuvant FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2021RNA-dependent assembly of chimeric antigen nanoparticles as an efficient H5N1 pre-pandemic vaccine platform NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE

