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WCDMA 휴대전화 전자파에 의한 심호흡계 영향

Other Titles
 Cardio-pulmonary effects of RF fields emitted from WCDMA mobile phones 
 권민경  ;  최재림  ;  최준열  ;  장경환  ;  김성권  ;  김덕원 
 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (의공학회지), Vol.33(2) : 59-64, 2012 
Journal Title
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research(의공학회지)
Issue Date
Smart phones ; EHS ; WCDMA ; Physiological effects ; Double-blinded
With rapid increasing usage of smart phones, social concerns have arisen about the possible effects of electromagnetic fields emitted from wideband code division multiple access(WCDMA) mobile phones on human health. The number of people with self-reported electromagnetic hypersensitivity(EHS) who complain of various subjective symptoms such as headache, insomnia etc. has also recently increased. However, it is unclear whether EHS results from physiological or other origins. In this double-blinded study, we investigated physiological changes such as heart rate, respiration rate, and heart rate variability with real and sham exposures for 15 EHS and 17 non-EHS persons using a module inside a dummy phone. Experiment was conducted using a WCDMA module with average power of 24 dBm at 1950 MHz with the specific absorption rate of 1.57 W/kg using a headphone for 32 min. As a conclusion, WCDMA RF exposure did not have any effects on the physiological variables in either group.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kwon, Min Kyung(권민경)
Kim, Deok Won(김덕원)
Kim, Sung Kean(김성권)
Jang, Kyung Hwan(장경환)
Choi, Jae Lim(최재림)
Choi, Joon Yul(최준열)
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