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Migration of Human Dermal Fibroblast is Affected by the Diameter of the Electrospun PLGA Fiber

 Min Sung Kim  ;  Dohyun Kim  ;  Jae Kyeong Kang  ;  Jeong-Hyun Lee  ;  Hye Lee Kim  ;  Min-Ah Koo  ;  Mi Hee Lee  ;  Jong-Chul Park 
 Biomaterials Research (생체재료학회지), Vol.16(4) : 135-139, 2012 
Journal Title
Biomaterials Research(생체재료학회지)
Issue Date
Cell migration ; Cell adhesion ; Electrospinning ; Nanofibers
Cell migration is an essential activity of the cells in various biological phenomena such as embryonic development,
wound healing of damaged tissue, capillary vascularization in angiogenesis and migration of leukocytes to kill the
bacteria around the wound site. The properties of nanofibrous surface enhancing cell adhesion, proliferation, migration
and differentiation are necessary for application in tissue engineering. Recently, fabricated scaffolds at the
nanometer scale are very similar to the architecture of natural human tissue, because of the development of nanofibers.
In this study, we observed different cell migration behaviors on PLGA nanofibers with different diameters.
0.4 μm and 1.4 μm PLGA fibers were fabricated by electrospinning. Adhesion of neonatal human dermal fibroblasts
(nHDFs) on the PLGA scaffolds was quantified by MTT assay. Real time observation system was used to analyze the
migration of nHDF on the 0.4 μm and 1.4 μm PLGA scaffolds. There are no significant differences in cell attachment
between 0.4 μm and 1.4 μm PLGA nanofibers. However, the migration was affected by the thickness of the
PLGA fiber. The cells were migrated along with the 0.4 μm PLGA fiber but did not cross 1.4 μm PLGA fiber. In this
research, it would be evaluated that different diameter of electrospun PLGA fiber effect on the cell migration and
proliferation, and it could be applied for the development of the fibrous scaffold in tissue engineering.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > BioMedical Science Institute (의생명과학부) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kang, Jae Kyeong(강재경)
Koo, Min-Ah(구민아) ORCID logo
Kim, Min Sung(김민성)
Kim, Hye Lee(김혜리)
Park, Jong Chul(박종철) ORCID logo
Lee, Mi Hee(이미희) ORCID logo
Lee, Jeong Hyun(이정현)
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