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조직에서의 위계적 리더십 : Pelz 효과의 재검증

Other Titles
 Hierarchical Leadership in Organizations : A revisit on the Pelz effect 
 김경수  ;  노현재  ;  김인숙  ;  김광숙  ;  양동민 
 Journal of Organization and Management (조직과 인사관리연구), Vol.37(1) : 171-204, 2013 
Journal Title
Journal of Organization and Management(조직과 인사관리연구)
Issue Date
Pelz effect ; upward influence ; job satisfaction ; job performance ; single-level of analysis ; mutiple-level of analysis
This paper attempted to overcome limitations of leadership studies that focus only on the group level of analysis by retesting the Pelz effect from a multiple-level of analysis. Data from 235 subordinates and their 83 managers of 34 departments in 17 different firms showed that (1) managers' upward influence positively related to subordinates' job satisfaction and performance and (2) managers' upward influence, subordinates' job satisfaction and performance varied between groups and the relationships among the variables covaried between groups. These results indicate that subordinates in the same group show similar level of job satisfaction and performance depending on managers' upward influences. Second, the results also showed that managers' upward influence, subordinates' job satisfaction and performance at the group level varied between departments and the relationships among the variables covaried between departments. Third, the results from the multiple-level of analysis showed that the homology hypothesis rather than the discontinuity hypothesis was valid. These results support Pelz's assertion that managers' upward influence affects job satisfaction and performance of subordinates in the same group. However, theses results did not support Pelz's assertion that the relationship between managers' upward influence and subordinates' job satisfaction and performance at the group level varied within departments. The results from the multiple-level of analysis indicate that the relationship between managers' upward influence and subordinates' job satisfaction and performance at the group level reflects the department level. In other word, managers show similar level of upward influence because they are in the same departments and subordinates in the same group show similar level of job satisfaction and performance because they are in the same department. In the conclusion section the implications of the study results, directions of future study, and the limitations of this study were discussed.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, In Sook(김인숙) ORCID logo
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