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2019년 청소년 흡연 및 음주양상에 대한 질적연구

Other Titles
 Qualitative Study on Youth Smoking and Drinking Patterns in 2019 
 김관욱  ;  김희진 
 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (대한금연학회지), Vol.14(3) : 79-90, 2023-09 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco(대한금연학회지)
Issue Date
Tobacco smoking ; Alcohol ; Minors ; Tobacco use behavior ; Alcohol use behavior ; Adolescents
Background: During the years 2016-2019, youth smoking and drinking experience showed a trend of transition from decreasing to increasing, with the following reasons having been identified as triggers: e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, advertising of tobacco and alcohol products, and diversification of new products.
Methods: Wanting to hear the opinions of the youth, focus group interviews were conducted in November 2019 with 35 middle and high school students 14-18 years in age with smoking and drinking experience, and divided them into six groups. The researcher transcribed the recorded interviews, read it, coded it using Nvivo 12, and categorized and analyzed similar codes.
Results: Students had little difficulty purchasing either alcohol or cigarettes despite being minors; however, some used illegal methods. Students were skeptical about the effectiveness of school antismoking education, and highlighted second year of middle school as a starting point for smoking. Finally, although strict regulations were in place against tobacco use in school and at home, drinking was treated leniently in both places, even for girls.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of regulating minors’ purchase of alcohol and cigarettes and entry into liquor stores must be strengthened, and a new approach to smoking cessation education is needed. Additionally, there is a need to improve awareness regarding the dangers of a culture that is tolerant of drinking.
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Yonsei Authors
Kimm, Heejin(김희진) ORCID logo
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