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In vitro and intracellular activities of novel thiopeptide derivatives against macrolide-susceptible and macrolide-resistant Mycobacterium avium complex

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dc.description.abstractUnsatisfactory outcomes following long-term multidrug treatment in patients with Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) pulmonary disease have urged us to develop novel antibiotics. Thiopeptides, a class of peptide antibiotics derived from natural products, have potential as drug candidates that target bacterial ribosomes, but drug development has been hampered due to their extremely poor solubility. Here, we evaluated three new compounds (AJ-037, AJ-039, and AJ-206) derived from the thiopeptide micrococcin P2 with enhanced aqueous solubility; the derivatives were generated based on structure-activity relationship analysis. We conducted in vitro drug susceptibility and intracellular antimycobacterial activity testing of the three thiopeptide derivatives against various MAC strains, including macrolide-resistant MAC clinical isolates. These compounds showed low MICs against MAC, similar to that of clarithromycin (CLR). In particular, two compounds, AJ-037 and AJ-206, had intracellular antimycobacterial activities, along with synergistic effects with CLR, and inhibited the growth of MAC inside macrophages. Moreover, these two compounds showed in vitro and intracellular anti-MAC activities against macrolide-resistant MAC strains without showing cross-resistance with CLR. Taken together, the results of the current study suggest that AJ-037 and AJ-206 can be promising anti-MAC agents for the treatment of MAC infection, including for macrolide-resistant MAC strains. IMPORTANCE Novel antibiotics for the treatment of MAC infection are urgently needed because the treatment outcomes using the standard regimen for Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) pulmonary disease remain unsatisfactory. Here, we evaluated three novel thiopeptide derivatives (AJ-037, AJ-039, and AJ-206) derived from the thiopeptide micrococcin P2, and they were confirmed to be effective against macrolide-susceptible and macrolide-resistant MAC. Our thiopeptide derivatives have enhanced aqueous solubility through structural modifications of poorly soluble thiopeptides. The thiopeptide derivatives showed minimal inhibitory concentrations against MAC that were comparable to clarithromycin (CLR). Notably, two compounds, AJ-037 and AJ-206, exhibited intracellular antimycobacterial activities and acted synergistically with CLR to hinder the growth of MAC within macrophages. Additionally, these compounds demonstrated in vitro and intracellular anti-MAC activities against macrolide-resistant MAC strains without showing any cross-resistance with CLR. We believe that AJ-037 and AJ-206 can be promising anti-MAC agents for the treatment of MAC infections, including macrolide-resistant MAC strains.-
dc.publisherASM Press-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.titleIn vitro and intracellular activities of novel thiopeptide derivatives against macrolide-susceptible and macrolide-resistant Mycobacterium avium complex-
dc.contributor.collegeCollege of Medicine (의과대학)-
dc.contributor.departmentResearch Institute (부설연구소)-
dc.contributor.googleauthorJiyun Park-
dc.contributor.googleauthorLee-Han Kim-
dc.contributor.googleauthorJu Mi Lee-
dc.contributor.googleauthorSangwon Choi-
dc.contributor.googleauthorYoung-Jin Son-
dc.contributor.googleauthorHee-Jong Hwang-
dc.contributor.googleauthorSung Jae Shin-
dc.subject.keywordMycobacterium avium complex-
dc.subject.keywordintracellular activity-
dc.subject.keywordmacrolide-resistant MAC-
dc.subject.keywordmicrococcin p2-
dc.subject.keywordminimum inhibitory concentration-
dc.subject.keywordthiopeptide derivatives-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Lee-Han-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationMICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM, Vol.11(5) : e0182523, 2023-08-
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Research Institute (부설연구소) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Microbiology (미생물학교실) > 1. Journal Papers


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