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척수손상 환자의 재활 운전교육

Other Titles
 Driver Training for Spinal Cord Injured Patients 
 문재호  ;  정광익  ;  강성웅  ;  장성구 
 Newest Medical Journal (최신의학), Vol.37(6) : 67-72, 1994-06 
Journal Title
Newest Medical Journal(최신의학)
Issue Date
The ability to drive provides the greatest freedom of mobility for the physically disabled. At present, rehabilitation program of spinal cord injured patients in Korea is primarily focused on achieving independent activities of daily living at wheel chair level. Actually in Korea it is very difficult for them to use public transportation in outdoor activities.
We have experienced driver training of cervical spinal cord injured patients, who could lead an active and independent life with driving a car after going through comprehensive rehabilitative management by team approach.
In driver training, a model car with hand control system and hydraulic lift was used and transfer activity training from wheel chair in and out of the car was done. Outdoor driver training also was done at the driving school near the hospital during in-patient period.
Driver training for spinal cord injured patients is essential for them to live as active members of society, so we suggest that driver training should be included in comprehensive rehabilitation program in Korea.
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kang, Seong Woong(강성웅) ORCID logo
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