Syphilis is a communicahble disease caused by the motile microaerophilic spirochete Treponema pallidum, which is only a netural pathogen for human. Prevalence of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases has traditioially fluctuated with changes in sccia, conditions and sexual behavior. Although sexual contact is the main route of transmission, T. pallidum may also be infected through direct contact with syphilitic lesions, blood transfusion, ingestion of menstrual blood or vaginal secretions, or trsnsplacental transemission. Fomites as the means of transfer is only hypothetical and account for very few, if any, infection. Prosectors, blood handlers and laboratory technicians are at risk for accidental inoculation with infected materials. In extremely unusual circumstances, infection by means of contact with a skin lesion and human bite have been reported. We report two cases of eyphilis following the abnormal imposition of hands, which caused unnecessary erosive trauma with fingernails