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Camostat 투여 흰쥐 이자 외분비선의 분비자극물질에 대한 반응성

Other Titles
 Exocrine Secretory Responsiveness of Dispersed Pancreatic Acini to Secretagogues in Camostat-treated Rats 
 김철  ;  김동구  ;  김경환 
 Korean Journal of Pharmacology (대한약리학잡지), Vol.30(2) : 205-215, 1994-06 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Pharmacology(대한약리학잡지)
Issue Date
It is well known that chronic stimulation with CCK gives rise to growth of exocrine pancreas and to increased content of enzyme proteins in pancreas. However, littls Is known about changes of the secretory function of exocrine pancreas which has been chronically stimulated with CCK, especially about the responsiveness to secretagogues such as CCK, caerulein and carbachol. The present study was performed to investigate the effect of camostat on secretory profiles and the responsiveness to secretagogues of exocrine pancreas by observing in vitro amylase release stimulated by cholecystokinin-octapeptide(CCK-8) and carbachol in dispersed isolated pancreatic acini from camostat-treated rats for 4 or 10 days. The results summarized as follows : 1) The maximal effective concentration of CCK-8 in amylase release in the camostat treated group was greater than control group, but that of carbachol was not different between groups. 2) Analysis of the stimulated amylase release as the percentage of the maximal response revealed that camostat treatment caused right-shift of the dose-response curve of CCK-8. Camostat did not cause significant changes in the dose-response curve of carbachol. 3) There were considerable increases in the amylase release in the camostat-treated group, compared to the control when acini were stimulated with CCK-8 10^{-9}M and carbaochol 10^{-6}M and higher concentrations. 4) There was a reverse correlation between the tissue content and the maximal release(percent of the total content) of amylase. These results suggest that chronic exposure of exocrine pancreas to increased endogenous CCK can enhance the responsiveness of exocrine enzyme secretion to secretagogues, especially at higher concentrations of CCK and carbachol.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pharmacology (약리학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kyung Hwan(김경환)
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