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Analysis of Activated Materials of Disposed Medical Linear Accelerators according to Clearance Level for Self-Disposal

 Young Jae Jang  ;  Na Hye Kwon  ;  Seong Hee Park  ;  Yona Choi  ;  Kum Bae Kim  ;  Dong Wook Kim  ;  Suk Ho Bhang  ;  Sang Hyoun Choi 
 SUSTAINABILITY, Vol.15(5) : 4100, 2023-03 
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radioactive waste ; medical linear accelerator ; clearance level ; radionuclide ; Monte Carlo simulation
In Korea, when replacing or discarding parts of a medical linear accelerator (linac), self-disposal is required in the consideration of the activity, but there is no standard regulation to manage radioactive waste. The aim of this study is to check the activity of each part to determine the disposal time according to the clearance level for self-disposal. The results of measuring the components of the linac head parts of the disposed Varian, Elekta, and Siemens equipment were reflected in the Monte Carlo simulation to confirm the radionuclide change according to the presence or absence of impurities. To confirm the degree of activation of the linac, the main radionuclides according to the time after the linac shutdown, considering the workloads of 40/80 Gy/day of 10/15 MV linac irradiated with beams for 10 years in the results of the simulation of the linac parts, and the radionuclide concentration was confirmed. As a result of applying the clearance level for self-disposal in the notice of the Korean Nuclear Safety (KINS) to each linac head part, most parts of the 10 MV linac could be dismantled after 1 month, and 15 MV target and primary collimators were stored after a long period of time before being dismantled. Although additional radionuclides were identified according to the presence or absence of impurities, the disposal timing for each part did not change significantly. In this study, the clearance level for self-disposal for each radionuclide was applied to activated parts by three manufacturers to confirm the self-disposal timing and predict the timing at which workers are not exposed to radiation during dismantling/disposal. © 2023 by the authors.
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