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Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Brain Metastases with Small Volume for Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy

 Sang Kyun Yoo  ;  Tae Hyung Kim  ;  Jaehee Chun  ;  Byong Su Choi  ;  Hojin Kim  ;  Sejung Yang  ;  Hong In Yoon  ;  Jin Sung Kim 
 CANCERS, Vol.14(10) : 2555, 2022-05 
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autosegmentation ; brain metastases ; convolutional neural network ; deep learning ; magnetic resonance imaging ; stereotactic ablative radiotherapy
Recently, several efforts have been made to develop the deep learning (DL) algorithms for automatic detection and segmentation of brain metastases (BM). In this study, we developed an advanced DL model to BM detection and segmentation, especially for small-volume BM. From the institutional cancer registry, contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance images of 65 patients and 603 BM were collected to train and evaluate our DL model. Of the 65 patients, 12 patients with 58 BM were assigned to test-set for performance evaluation. Ground-truth for BM was assigned to one radiation oncologist to manually delineate BM and another one to cross-check. Unlike other previous studies, our study dealt with relatively small BM, so the area occupied by the BM in the high-resolution images were small. Our study applied training techniques such as the overlapping patch technique and 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) training to the well-known U-Net architecture to learn better in smaller BM. As a DL architecture, 2D U-Net was utilized by 2.5D training. For better efficacy and accuracy of a two-dimensional U-Net, we applied effective preprocessing include 2.5D overlapping patch technique. The sensitivity and average false positive rate were measured as detection performance, and their values were 97% and 1.25 per patient, respectively. The dice coefficient with dilation and 95% Hausdorff distance were measured as segmentation performance, and their values were 75% and 2.057 mm, respectively. Our DL model can detect and segment BM with small volume with good performance. Our model provides considerable benefit for clinicians with automatic detection and segmentation of BM for stereotactic ablative radiotherapy.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Jinsung(김진성) ORCID logo
Kim, Taehyung(김태형)
Kim, Hojin(김호진) ORCID logo
Yoon, Hong In(윤홍인) ORCID logo
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