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Administration of red ginseng regulates microRNA expression in a mouse model of endometriosis

 Jae Hoon Lee  ;  Ji Hyun Park  ;  Bo Hee Won  ;  Wooseok Im  ;  SiHyun Cho 
 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine, Vol.48(4) : 337-346, 2021-12 
Journal Title
Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
Issue Date
Endometriosis ; Medical informatics ; MicroRNAs ; Panax ; Red ginseng
Objective: Red ginseng (RG) exerts anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and immunomodulatory effects on endometriosis through the regulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression. It may also ameliorate endometriosis by affecting the expression of multiple miRNAs simultaneously, rather than acting on a single miRNA at a given time. Since studies on the overall effects of RG on endometriosis via the regulation of miRNA expression are lacking, the current study aimed to explore the global effect of RG on miRNA expression in a mouse model of endometriosis.

Methods: To establish the mouse model, the uterine horn of donor mice was implanted into the lateral side of the recipients' peritoneum, followed by vehicle or RG treatment for 8 weeks.

Results: To confirm the effects of RG on the established mouse model, the size of the implanted uterus was measured; it was found to be lower in mice from the RG group than in mice from the control group. miRNA expression profiles in the implanted uterus of the mouse model of endometriosis after vehicle or RG administration were analyzed using microarray technology. Thereafter, seven candidate miRNAs and 125 candidate genes (miRNA targets) were identified through a bioinformatics analysis.

Conclusion: The present findings suggest that RG regulates the expression of multiple miRNAs and mRNAs, thereby alleviating endometriosis in a mouse model of the disease.
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Yonsei Authors
Lee, Jae Hoon(이재훈) ORCID logo
Im, Wooseok(임우석)
Cho, Si Hyun(조시현) ORCID logo
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