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슬관정 등속성 운동검사에서 변형 고정대에 의해 유발되는 지간(肢間) 상호작용이 근력에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Effect of Interlimb Interaction on Strength Induced by Modified Contralateral Stabilization Bar in Isokinetic Knee Evaluation 
 강성웅  ;  김성원  ;  나영무 
 Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지), Vol.19(3) : 455-462, 1995-09 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine(대한재활의학회지)
Issue Date
Isokinetic strength ; Stabilization bar ; Bilateral deficit
Thirty men were tested for isokinetic knee strength using Cybex II+ at velocity of 90°/sec. In set one, the subjects were tested with fixing the non\testing leg at 90° and the testing session consisted of one-legged isokinetic extension exercise test and flexion exercise test. In extension exercise condition, three maximal isokinetic extensions were done with performing isometric contractions of the extensors of non-testing leg in regard to the isokinetic testing legs(reciprocal mode), and then three maximal isokinetic extensions were done with contractions of the flexors of non-testing leg(concurrent mode). In flexion exercise condition, three maximal flexions in a concurrent mode and a reciprocal mode, respectively were also performed. We measured peak torque(PT) of the extensors and flexors of the testing leg and recorded myoelectrical signals from the knee muscles of the non-testing leg. PT of the knee extensors and flexors of the testing leg were of significantly higher value at reciprocally induced action of the non-testing leg(p<0.001). The mean root mean square(RMS) values recorded from the muscles of non-testing leg were of significantly higher value at reciprocal mode also(p<0.01). In set two, the testing was done in two different isokinetic extension-flexion knee testing conditions. For the first condition, testing was done with a bar in front of the ankle joint of the non-testing leg, thus limiting extension movement of the leg as is the usual testing method at present. For the second condition, the non-testing leg was fixed at 90° flexion and the non-testing leg was induced to contract reciprocally in regard to the isokinetic testing legs. PT of extensors of the second condition showed a significantly higher value compare to the first condition(p<0.001).

By fixing non-testing leg and making it to contract in a reciprocal manner with the testing leg, we can eliminate the shifting of non-testing leg and prevent the possible decrement in strength due to a bilateral deficit, and get an additional isometric exercise effect on non-testing leg.
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