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주관절 위치에 따른 척골 신경의 분절별 신경전도 속도 비교

Other Titles
 Comparision of Segmental Ulnar Nerve Conduction Studies according to Elbow Position 
 신정빈  ;  심재호  ;  장성호  ;  김덕용  ;  조경자  ;  서정환 
 Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지), Vol.19(4) : 799-805, 1995-12 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine(대한재활의학회지)
Issue Date
Ulnar nerve ; Tardy ulnar palsy ; Cubital tunnel syndrome
The ulnar neuropathy at the elbow region is a common entrapment neuropathy affecting the upper extremity to carpal tunnel syndrome. Diagnosis of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow region is made on the basis of history, physical finding and
electrodiagnostic study. It is often difficult to diagnosis using routine electrodiagnostic studies because ulnar conduction studies in the extended elbow position often create artificial slowing of conduction velocity across the elbow due to
underestimation of the true nerve length. Segmental ulnar nerve conduction studies were done bilaterally on 51 healthy korean adult(from 19 to 59 years of age) with the elbow in both the extended and flexed to 90°positions.
We conclude that the 90°flexed elbow position is preferable than full extended position because it is more accurate and less variable nerve conduction velocity at elbow segment.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Deog Young(김덕용) ORCID logo
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