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Potential of an Enzyme Mixture of Glucose Oxidase, Glucosyl Transferase, and Fructosyl Transferase as an Antidiabetic Medicine

 Daham Kim  ;  Juyeon Yu  ;  Eun Kyung Wang  ;  Soohyun Lee  ;  Jung Seung Kim  ;  Jihwan Hwang  ;  Cheol Ryong Ku  ;  Yoon Hee Cho  ;  Eun Jig Lee 
 BIOMEDICINES, Vol.9(7) : 745, 2021-07 
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antidiabetic effect ; fructosyl transferase ; glucose oxidase ; glucosyl transferase ; gut microbiota ; lipid profile
An enzyme mixture (EM) of glucose oxidase, glucosyl transferase, and fructosyl transferase can regulate glucose absorption into the body by converting carbohydrates in food to indigestible oligosaccharides. We evaluated the antidiabetic effects of repeated oral administration of EM in db/db mice. Seven-week-old db/db mice were divided into control, voglibose, and EM groups. Drugs were administered orally mixed with limited feed for one month. Glucose levels were measured every week. A meal tolerance test was conducted after overnight fasting, before the mice were sacrificed. There were no differences in body weight or food intake between the groups. EM treatment reduced blood glucose levels compared with those in the control group. Blood glucose levels during the meal tolerance test were significantly lower in the EM group than those in the control group. A significant decrease in triglyceride level and a tendency for decreased low-density lipoprotein were observed in the EM group compared with in the control group. The Bacteroidetes-to-Firmicutes ratio was higher in the EM group than that in the control group. EM may be useful for people at risk of hyperglycemia or diabetes who need to safely regulate their blood glucose levels. EM may also improve lipid and gut microbiota profiles.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Ku, Cheol Ryong(구철룡) ORCID logo
Kim, Daham(김다함) ORCID logo
Lee, Eun Jig(이은직) ORCID logo
Cho, Yoon Hee(조윤희)
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