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청소년 척추측만증의 포괄적 재활치료에 대한 고찰

Other Titles
 Effects of rehabilitation pogram in adolescent scoliosis 
 문재호  ;  이지선  ;  강민정  ;  강성웅  ;  김현정 
 Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (대한재활의학회지), Vol.20(2) : 424-432, 1996-06 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine(대한재활의학회지)
Issue Date
Adolescent scoliosis, Idiopathic, Rehabilitation program, Correctability, Cobb's angle
The main goal of the management of adolescent scoliosis is to prevent progression of scoliotic curve and to prevent or manage the secondary complication, resulting from mechanical effect of scoliotic posture such as pain, functional disability, psychologic problem, cardiopulmonary problem, weakness or paralysis and cosmetic problem. Subjects were 76 male and female adolescent scoliosis inpatients received comprehensive rehabilitation program which consist of scolisis correction exercise, a self-scoliosis correction device using biofeedback mechanism, postural education, heat therapy, breathing exercise and three-point pressure thoracolumbosacral brace for the indicated patients. The effect of the comprehensive rehabilitation therapy for the scoliosis correction were evaluated by calculating the scoliosis correction angle from the initial and followup whole spine AP and lateral views. Overall 92% of patients showed significant improvement of scoliosis (p<0.001). Male to female ratio were 1:2.6 and 85.6% of the scoliosis were idiopathic by etiology. The more severe the initial scoliosis, the more vertebral rotation and the lesser the scoliosis correctability (p<0.0001). Greatest improvement is noted in the patients with 11 degrees to 20 degrees of initial angle. Further observation is needed for the subject group until bone maturation and ceasation of scoliosis progression.
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Seong Woong(강성웅) ORCID logo
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