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입원 아동 부모의 병원서비스 기대수준과 만족도

Other Titles
 Expectation and Satisfaction of Parents with Inpatient Hospital Service 
 최은경  ;  김선희  ;  정송이  ;  조은희  ;  최경숙  ;  심소정  ;  목미수  ;  강은경  ;  조윤경  ;  변은숙  ;  김경희  ;  유일영 
 Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구), Vol.17(2) : 228-238, 2011-08 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research(임상간호연구)
Issue Date
Hospital service ; Expectation ; Satisfaction ; Parents ; Child
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate parent expectation and satisfaction with respect to
pediatric inpatient care and to identify the variables related to parent satisfaction. Methods: The study was
conducted in pediatric wards of a tertiary children’s hospital in Korea. The participants were 361 parents of
children who were inpatients. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire (The Pediatric Family
Satisfaction Questionnaire) at the time of discharge. Results: The highest parent expectation domain was
medical service. The parents were most satisfied with nursing service and least satisfied with general hospital
service and accommodation. The parents expressed lower satisfaction with hospital facilities, equipment,
noise, cleanliness, and communication by health care professionals. Parents with younger children reported
higher expectation from the complete hospital service and those who had a longer length of stay reported
higher expectation from the nursing service. Conclusion: To improve the quality of hospital services, we need
to understand parent expectation and improve and provide clear communication. In addition, the general
hospital service and accommodation should not be overlooked for improvement.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Choi, Eun Kyoung(최은경) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4622-2437
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