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이명환자들에서 스트레스지각 및 정신병리와 이명강도 간의 관계

Other Titles
 The Relationship of Stress Perception and Psychopathology with Intensity of Tinnitus in Patients with Tinnitus 
 고경봉  ;  김희남  ;  이호기  ;  안석균 
 Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine (정신신체의학), Vol.5(2) : 151-157, 1997 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine(정신신체의학)
Issue Date
The relationship of stress and psychopathology with subjective or objective tinnitus intensity was investigated in 43 patients with tinnitus. Global assessment of recent stress scale, Beck depression inventory and symptom checklist-90-revision were used to measure stress perception and psychopathology. Subjective tinnitus intensity was assessed by subjective tinnitus severity inventory, whereas objective tinnitus intensity was assessed by tinnitogram. Scores of perceived stress related to interpersonal relationship and sickness or min had significantly positive correlation with subjective tinnitus intensity. In psychopathology, scores of somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, phobia, paranoid ideation, psychoticism had significantly positive correlation with subjective tinnitus intensity. However, stress perception and psychopathology did not significantly correlate with objective tinnitus intensity. These findings suggest that tinnitus may be associated with stress perception and multiple psychopathology including anxiety and depression. Thus, it is emphasized that Psychosocial intervention as well as effective consultation-liasion activity is needed for evaluation and treatment of patients with tinnitus.
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Yonsei Authors
An, Suk Kyoon(안석균) ORCID logo
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