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멀티미디어 정보통합에 의한 원격의료 시스템의 설계

Other Titles
 Design of Telemedicine System by Integrating Multimedia Information 
 S K Yoo  ;  Y T Kang  ;  N H Kim  ;  C H Kim  ;  S H Bae  ;  S H Kim  ;  I N Sunwoo 
 Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics (대한의료정보학회지), Vol.3(2) : 133-139, 1997 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics(대한의료정보학회지)
Issue Date
Current and new emerging applications of telemedicine system will require the use of computers capable of supporting a wide variety of multimedia information. In addition, the advancement of powerful personal computer, diverse media acquisition units and wide bandwidth communication network has enabled the design and development of cost-effective multi-media telemedicine system integrated on a personal computer. In this paper, we present the design methods for PC-based multimedia telemedicine system, which includes patient medical records, radiological images, biological data, medical moving images and video-conferencing. The main strategies of that system are cost-effectiveness, open standards and inclusion on diverse set of medical modalities.
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Yoo, Sun Kook(유선국) ORCID logo
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