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수종 시판 경추보조기의 물성에 관한 평가조사

Other Titles
 An Evaluational Investigation of the Physical Properties for the Commercially Available Cervical Braces 
 박종철  ;  김경태  ;  서활 
 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (의공학회지), Vol.18(3) : 205-210, 1997 
Journal Title
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research(의공학회지)
Issue Date
This is to investigate the physical properties of the commercially available Soft, Thomas, Minerva, and Philadelphia cervical braces which are widely used in orthopedics, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation medicine clinics as assisting devices for physical stabilization of cervical vertebrates, to use as a basic data for designing new type brace. Tensile strengths were observed by universal mechanical measuring device and Thomas brace required the highest stress to break by tensile stress. Durabilities against continuous frictional forces were also determined, and Minerva brace demonstrated the longest frictional time until being perforated. According to these results, poly ethlene is recommendable as a frame and preparation of pores in the material is favorable to provide ventilation to skin.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Park, Jong Chul(박종철) ORCID logo
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