The authors reported one case of agranulocytosis that occurred in the clozapine treatment in a 34-
year-old male patient with chronic schizophrenia. Agranulocytosis, a WBC count of 2700 with 4%
neutrophils, developed on Day 25 of clozapine treatment, when clozapine was stopped. On Day 26, he
became febrile with temperature of 38℃ and he was treated with antibiotics, Claforan for 4 days, and
received carefully daily blood monitering and observation. Six days after stopping the administration
of clozapine, his WBC exhibited the normal range with increasing numbers of neutrophils(WBC,
;neutrophils, 43%) and he began to improve clinically.
Also, we described the recent review of incidence, the natural history and implicated possible
mechanisms for clozapine-induced agranulocytosis.