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치과용복합레진과의 결합에 있어, 상아질 내 교원섬유의 역할에 관한 연구

Other Titles
 Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지), Vol.22(1) : 470-478, 1997 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry(대한치과보존학회지)
Issue Date
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of moistening mechods of dentin on the morphologic states of hybrid layers and on the interfacial bond strength between dentin and composite. Specimens were divided into 6 groups based on the surface moistening methods and materials used. After the dentin surface was conditioned with 10 % phoporic acid and irrigated: 1. The dentin surface was dried. Then bonding agent and composite were applied. 2. The dentin surface was blot-dryed. Then primer, bonding atent and composite were applied. 3. The dentin surface was dryed first. Within 20 seconds, the surface was rewetted, then primer, bonding agent and composite were applied. 4. The dentin surface was dryed. Then primer, bonding agnent and composite were applied. 5. The dentin surface was dryed first. Atter 24hrs, the surface was rewetted, and then primer, bonding agent and composite were applied. 6. The surface was conditioned with NaOCl for 5min. Then primer, bonding agent and composite were applied. To reveal the hybrid layer, scanning electron microscopy was used after the samples were ion beam etched. The shear bond strength of each group was tom pared by ANOVA. In groups 2, 3 and 4, the hybrid layer was clearly visible, but the width was more limited in group 4. In group 1 and 5, the hybrid layer was not found, and a gap was formed between dentin and composite. In group 6, the hybrid layer was not found, but the interface between the dentin and composite was intimate. The shear bond strength of each group was as follows: Group 1 : 4MPa, Group 2 : 14MPa, Group 3 : 12MPa, Group 4 : 14MPa, Group 5 : 5MPa, Group 6 : 9MPa.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Conservative Dentistry (보존과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Park, Sung Ho(박성호) ORCID logo
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