일반 측방 두부규격 방사선사진과 측방 두부규격 전산화 방사선사진에서의 계측점의 신뢰도에 대한 비교 연구
Other Titles
A comparative study of computed radiographic cephalometry and conventional cephalometry in reliability of head film measurements (Landmarks Identification)
김형돈 ; 김기덕 ; 박창서
Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (대한구강악안면방사선학회지), Vol.27(1) : 99-106, 1997
The purpose of this study was to compare & to find out the variability of head film measurements(landmarks ide ntification) between Fuji computed radiographic cephlometry and conventional cephalometry. 28 Korean adults were selected. Lateral cephalometric FCR film and conventional cephalometric film of each subject wa s taken. Four investigators identified 24 cephalometric landmarks on lateral cephalometric FCR film and conventional cep halometric film were statistically analysed.
The results were as follows :
1. In FCR film & conventional film, coefficient of variation(C.V.) of 24 landmarks was taken horizontally & ver tically.
2. In comparison of significant differences of landmarks variability between FCR film & coventional film, horizonta l value of coefficient of variation showed significant differences in four landmarks among twenty-four landmarks, but ve rtical a value of coefficient of variation showed significant differences in sixteen landmarks among twenty-four landmar ks. FCR film showed significantly less variability than conventional film in 17 subjects among 20(4+16) subjects that sho wed significant difference.