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혈액은행검사 신빙도 조사 결과보고 (1997)

Other Titles
 Annual report of external QA in blood bank tests in Korea(1997) 
 김대원  ;  권석운  ;  김원배  ;  김현옥  ;  오영철  ;  차영주  ;  한규섭  ;  김경희  ;  최범열  ;  류광현  ;  권계철  ;  양동욱  ;  황유성 
 Journal of Clinical Pathology and Quality Control(임상병리와 정도관리), Vol.20(1) : 97-104, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of Clinical Pathology and Quality Control(임상병리와 정도관리)
Issue Date
Surveys for external quality assessment in blood banking were carried out in 1997. The response rate was 62.9% for 1st trial, 68.8% for 2nd trial and 88.0% for 3rd trial. Test items were ABO cell and serum groupings, Rho(D) typing, cross-matching, direct antiglobulin-test, antibody screening and identification test. The average accuracy rates of ABO cell and serum grouping were more than 99.0% and 99.4% respectively. The accuracy rates of Rho(D) typing were 100% for positive samples and 99.0% for negative ones. The average accuracy rates of cross-matching were 97.0% for compatible samples, 99.2% for Incompatible samples which could be detected by saline method, and 84.8% for incompatible samples which could be detected only by 37℃ albumin and 59.3% by antiglobulin method. The accuracy rates of direct antiglobulin test were 98.6 for negative samples and 86.0% for positive samples. The accuracy rates of antibody screening test were 97.0% and those of antibody identification were 95.0%.
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