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병원간호사의 재직의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 진정성 리더십과 간호조직문화를 중심으로

Other Titles
 Factors affecting the intention of hospital nurses to stay at work : in relation to authentic leadership and nursing organizational culture 
 박현정  ;  김필자  ;  이혜영  ;  신윤정  ;  오경환  ;  이태화  ;  성정순  ;  홍은영 
 Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구), Vol.25(1) : 34-42, 2019 
Journal Title
Clinical Nursing Research(임상간호연구)
Issue Date
Intention ; Leadership ; Organizational Culture ; Nurses
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of authentic leadership and nursing organizational culture to the intention of hospital nurses to stay in their current position. Methods: The participants of this study were 503 nurses in 8 hospitals. We collected data using questionnaires for assessing authentic leadership, nursing organization culture and intention to stay. For data analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Cronbach's ?, Pearson's correlation coefficient, Tukey test, Multiple regression were performed using SAS ver.9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Results: Authentic leadership (β=.12, p=.008) and relation-oriented culture (β=.13, p=.009) affected the intention of the hospital nurses to stay. These variables accounted for 29% of the variance in the intention to stay among hospital nurses. Conclusion: The finding of this study shows that the authentic leadership and nursing organizational culture especially relation-focused can influence nurses’ intention to stay in their current position. For retaining nurses, it is suggested to use an authentic leadership training program for nursing leaders and to make efforts to establish a relation-focused culture in the hospital.
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