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재동 제중원의 규모와 확대 과정

Other Titles
 A study on the size location and medical function of the Jae dong Je joong won 
 박형우  ;  이경록  ;  왕현종 
 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학), Vol.9(1) : 29-53, 2000 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medical History(의사학)
Issue Date
Jaedong Jejoongwon
This is the study of Jaedong Jejoongwon the first westernized hospital in Korea founded in 1885 To build the groundwork for study of Jejoongwon its size location building structure and medical functions were studied At the same time the history of jejoongwon particularly that of the time when there arose a need for its moving and expansion was studied Jaedong Jejoongwon was founded in a renovated building The building was formerly owned by Hong Young-sik who was killed while leading the Gapsinjungbyun According to the existing block plan of Jaedong Jejoongwon when it was opened in 1885 it was located in the place which later became a park Nowadays this park is to northwest of the Constitutional Court At that time its size was about 600 p yung As the medical school was built from end of 1885 to early 1886 Jejoongwon
was expanded to north and its size was enlarged to 862 16 p yung Jaedong Jejoongwon reflected the characteristics of western medical system When it was opened in 1885 Jejoongwon consisted of a servants room an assistants room the outpatient clinic the operation room (which was also used as the pharmacy) surgical wards women s wards and general wards In 1886 as the number of patients was increased and medical school was opened the function and the structure of hospital changed The most significant change was that a new medical school building was built as the nearby buildings were bought The medical school consisted of the students' dormitory a chemistry laboratory and classrooms Moreover new functions were added to alreadyexisted hospital building∶a contagious ward a waiting room for outpatients an eye ward a darkroom a room for special diagnosis and treatment and a vaccination room Also from the time when it was first opened Jejoongwon needed the expansion as too many patients came in and the medical education was started Therefore in the summer of 1886 Allen positively explored ways toward the hospital s moving At last in early 1887 Jaedong Jejoongwon moved to Kurigae on along with the development of medical education and medical treatment shows how the modern medical system was formed and developed in Korea
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Anatomy (해부학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Park, Hyoung Woo(박형우) ORCID logo
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