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초산부가 인지하는 임신, 출산 과정의 사회적지지

Other Titles
 Perception of Social Support in Pregnancy , and Process of Labor and Delivery among Primiparous Women 
 Korean Journal of Nursing Query (간호학탐구), Vol.9(2) : 107-137, 2000 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Nursing Query(간호학탐구)
Issue Date
primiparous women ; social support ; pregnancy ; process of labor and delivery
This study was to describe emotional changes, received and expected social support during pregnancy, labor and delivery process among women delivered who the first baby. Terms for the received social support in also explored to identify Korean terms for social support that is not exist yet.
The study subjects were 30 women who delivered baby at a university hospital in Seoul. The mean age of the subjects were 29.7 and majority of them were college graduates. Date was collected by face to face interview method with interview schedule. The researcher and a trained interviewer collected data at the mothers´ room and the interviews lasted from 30 to 45 minutes. The spouses were the major support source. The own mothers, mothers-in-law, friends and peers in working were identified as next sources.
The types of social support received from the spouses were taintable and instrumental. However, emotional support was required throughout the process. Expecially, emotional support during labor and delivery were crucially expected by the subjects. Most practical support was informational support from their friends and peers and those source categories were needed to be activated by the nursing professionals.
The most frequently expressed term for the support were Sa-Rang(love in Korean) and Kwan-Sim(concern). Remarkably, Sa-Rang was differentiated by the supportive source category: unconditional Sa-rang for own mothers, literally love for spouses, duty like love for mothers-in-low, Do-oom(both emotional and material help) for friends and peers. The findings were in same line of the Korean social support Pyramid of previous study.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Oh, Ka Sil(오가실)
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