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제1차 국민건강보험 종합계획

Other Titles
 The First Comprehensive Plan of National Health Insurance 
 Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration, Vol.29(2) : 99-104, 2019 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration(보건행정학회지)
Issue Date
Comprehensive Plan ; National Health Insurance ; Evaluation ; Long-term plan
On May 1, 2019, the Minister of Health and Welfare announced publicly the first Comprehensive Plan of National Health Insurance (NHI). The Comprehensive Plan which is the 5-year plan including expenditure and revenue aspect of NHI, is desirable in 42 years of introduction of NHI and 30 years of universal coverage of NHI, though the Plan was late and had some conflict process. The Comprehensive Plan was established without evaluation of Moon's Care Plan, did not included to relationship with NHI and other health security systems, and did not have the blue print of NHI. The Plan was not sufficient in content of adequate health care utilization and relationship with service benefit and cash benefit. The Comprehensive Plan should be modified in considering the blue print of NHI and national healthcare system with participating stakeholder in turbulent environment-low fertility, rapid ageing, low economic growth rate, era of non-communicable diseases, unification of the Korean Peninsula, and 4th industrial revolution. Therefore, I suggest to establish the President's Committee of Improving Healthcare System for the blue print of health care and NHI.
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Park, Eun-Cheol(박은철) ORCID logo
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